
Under the heading Volumes, there are a series of sculptures as a result of text processing. The word ‘volume’ is to be understood in the different meanings it has: the space occupied by a body, the intensity of sound and a book. The translation into sculptural language is linked to the interpretation of each text, usually a quotation from a philosopher. The letters that compose it become the measure of a new configuration: for example, the height and width of the typeface give proportion to the three-dimensional volume that contains them, and to the letters thus transformed, a second deformation is added according to geometries designed to interpret the text.

Misuratore d’incertezza_Incertezza del bilanciamento_La fonetica moderna si è concentrata, in un primo momento, sull’analisi dei γράμματα secondo la loro modalità di articolazione, distinguendo in labiali, dentali, palatali, velari, labiovelari, laringali ecc., con una tale acribia descrittiva, che un fonetista, che era anche un medico, ha potuto scrivere che se veramente il soggetto parlante articolasse un certo suono laringale nel modo descritto nei trattati di fonetica, ciò avrebbe per conseguenza causato la sua morte per soffocamento, 2019, aluminium and brass, edition of 3, 207 x 8 x 8 cm, installation view, The Uncanny Valley, FuturDome, Milano, IT, 2019. Ph: Cosimo Filippini. 
The third part of the title is a Giorgio Agamben quote from Che cos’è la filosofia?

Voci di Corridoio, 2018, brass, series 1 of 3, 120,5 x 4 x 4 cm. Ph: Petrò / Gilberti.

Che cosa accade quando si dice: “Ecco, ho un’idea”?, 2014, aluminium, brass, edition of 3, 3,3 x 148 x 3,3 cm. 
Quote by Gilles Deleuze from Che cos’è l’atto di creazione?

οὐ δεῖ παντὸς ὄρον ζητεῖν, 2017, aluminium, edition of 3, 4 x 94,3 x 4 cm. 
“We should not seek the definition of everything” is the quote of Aristotle, in turn quoted by Leibniz in Mugnai’s book Leibniz and the Symbolic Logic.

Character (Universal), 2022, aluminium, 39,95 x 302,4 x 7,2 cm. Ph: Massimo Laurenzi

The sculpture Character (Universal) provides a three-dimensional representation of the turnover figures for Attrezzeria Universal 1972 from various companies with which it collaborated over the course of four years. Silvia Hell created the form by processing the data provided by executive manager Alessio Caramaschi; the names of the twenty-six international companies thus define the layout of the sculpture in alphanumerical order, and the turnover of the company over the four-year period is represented by their height.

The work was the winner of the 50th Premio Suzzara (2018-2022), becoming part of the Prize collection, produced by Attrezzeria Universal 1972 on the basis of a design by the artist.

Character (Universal), 2022, aluminium, 39,95 x 302,4 x 7,2 cm. Ph: Massimo Laurenzi

Tesi, antitesi, sintesi, 2013, brass, aluminium, iron, edition of 3, 22 x 12 x 4 cm

VRS (veglia ricordo sogno), 2014, aluminium, edition of 3, 30 x 20 x 5 cm.